Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

places to visit in indonesia:)

hey guys! i'm back. i live in indonesia. i really proud to being an indonesian people. indonesia have some great place to visit. . so, this is some places to visit in my beloved country, INDONESIA.
1. Bali
most people from the other country only know bali, right?
okay, so what's interesting in bali?
the interesting thing from bali is the beach. bali has a beautiful beach and there is many beach in bali. kuta is the most famous one. if you go to bali, i suggest you to go to kuta,ubud,dreamland, tanah lot, and for the food bebek bengil.
so that's all about bali.

2. Istiqlal Mosque
for all moslem, istiqlal mosque is the largest mosque in southeast asia that was constructed in 1975. Istiqlal Mosque can accomade more than 120.000 people. amazing,huh?
3. Raja Ampat Islands
raja ampat or the four kings is an archipelago comprising over 1500 smalls islands, cays, and shoals surrounding the four main islands of misool,salawati,batanta, and waigeo.

4. Borobudur Temple
borobudur is a monument or temple in magelang, central java.
borodur is decorated by 2676 relief panels and 500 buddha statues. actually, i never been to borobudur temple, but i know that borobudur is an amazing place and the fact that borobudur had entered seven wonders is amazing.
5. lake toba
lake toba is a lake. and the lake is 100 km long and 30 km wide. and 505metres at its deepest point. lake toba is a volcanic lake. lake toba is the biggest lake in indonesia and the biggest volcanic lake in the world.
so that's all. arigato:);3

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012


hey guys :)x i want to tell you about my bf at junior highschool
nb: bf stands for bestfriend ot boyfriend!
we call ourselves jabberwocky. weird,huh?
i am 1/5 of jabberwocky.
alika, yep that's me:) the chubby girl. di jabberwocky ini kita semua punya panggilan aneh tersendiri.

the second one, kinanti. the beautiful one. panggilan anehnya itu isabella dan phineas, ayam,dll. yah dia sangat tergila gila dengan phineas. so his unique name " ISABELLA&PHINEAS"
the third one is namira, the weird fun girl. her freaky name is " MINERAL WATER AND TOMATO"

nanda is the small cute one. nanda weirdname is "FROG" but sometimes "GLIMMERANDMARVEL" and me with nanda is carrier :3
sagira atau bebel ini orang yang paling cantik tapi paling ga normal. nama panggilanya "SWANLAKE"
dia abnormal,sungguh.
so that's all. hasta la vista!

red velvet cupcake

hey guys! i'm back, you all know right that i'm a food lovers? oke buat yang gatau, jawabannya iya gua ini food lovers ga cuman suka makannya lho, tapi gua juga suka masaknya dan ini ada salah satu resep makanan yang lagi ngetren yaitu red velvet cupcake silakan mencoba ;-)

Bahan :
  • 150 gr bit, kupas hingga bersih
  • 350 gr gula pasir
  • 3 butir telur ayam
  • 100 ml air
  • 200 ml buttermilk
  • 450 ml minyak sayur
Bahan kering
  • 380 g tepung ganyong
  • 50 g cokelat bubuk
  • 1½ sdt garam
  • 1 sdt baking powder
  • Campur bahan dan diayak
Bahan Cheese frosting:
  • 250 g cream cheese (keju krim)
  • 50 g gula bubuk
  • 50 ml thickened cream (krim kental)
Cara membuat:
  1. Proses bit bersama air di dalam blender hingga halus. Angkat.
  2. Rebus bit dan saring, ambil sebanyak 200 ml. Sisihkan.
  3. Kocok gula dan telur menggunakan mixer berkecepatan tinggi hingga berbuih. Turunkan kecepatan mixer, masukkan air rebusan bit, bahan kering, buttermilk, dan minyak. Aduk perlahan hingga rata.
  4. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan muffin kecil (untuk 40 muffin) atau besar (untuk 20 muffin) yang telah diolesi mentega. Panggang dalam oven panas bersuhu 180° C hingga matang (kurang lebih selama 25 menit).
Cara membuat cheese frosting :
  • Kocok cream cheese dan gula dengan mixer berkecepatan tinggi hingga mengembang dan pucat.
  • Masukkan krim kental, kocok rata.
  • Olesi cheese frosting di atas permukaan muffin
  • Red velvet cupcake dapat disajikan

Kamis, 19 April 2012


hai:-) gua kembali setelah sekian lama ga nge-post. gua akan nge post tentang sebuah film yang menurut gua keren banget! padahal gua belom nonton-.- nah, ini film bercerita tentang armada laut internasional yang menjadi basis pertahanan terakhir ketika spesies asing yang disebut the regents mencoba menyerang bumi. film ini di produseri oleh Scott Stuber, Sarah Aubrey, Brian Goldner dan Bennet Schneir. film ini dimainkan oleh rihanna dan lain lain. gua tertarik banget sama film ini, secara gua #RIHANNANAVY \m/ sekian.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

We Found Love

It's like you're screaming, and no one can hear
You almost feel ashamed
That someone could be that important
That without them, you feel like nothing
No one will ever understand how much it hurts
You feel hopeless; like nothing can save you
And when it's over, and it's gone
You almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back
So that you could have the good

Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we’re standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
What it takes to come alive

It’s the way I’m feeling I just can’t deny
But I’ve gotta let it go

We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place

Shine a light through an open door
Love a life I will divide
Turn away 'cause I need you more
Feel the heartbeat in my mind

It’s the way I’m feeling I just can’t deny
But I’ve gotta let it go

We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place

Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we’re standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine

We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place

We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

9 february 2012

assalamualaikuum. gua pgn cerita ttg tanggal 9 february 2012. ya hari itu adalah hari kamis. gua benci hari kamis. kenapa? ada satu alasan. NS. ns itu native speaker dan itutuh ngebosenin sangadh *okeinialay* jadi gue dan yang lain berencana buat kabur. tadinya kita mau stay dikelas aja nungguin sampe yang lain selesai. tapi dipikir pikir, ns tuh 2 jam pelajaran. dan kalau kita stay dikelas pasti bakalan ketahuan guru. jadi kita berpikir untuk ngumpet di toilet. dan setelah dipikirpikir kita itutuh ber 9 dan gamungkin ya kita ngumpet di toilet selama 80 menit. jadi satusatunya tempat yang udah pilihan terakhir adalah mushola...... dan gua dan lain lain akhirnya sholat tapi tiba tiba si kansa sakit jadi, kinanti sama abir nemenin kansa ke uks. jadi tinggal gue, bebel, ghina, mauli, thalita, dan depi. kita pun sholat dhuha, rencananya sih 12 rakaat biar lama tapi yaa gamungkin. jadi kita sholat dhuha 2 rakaat abis itu kita bingung mau ngapain. akhirnya, pilihan terakhir adalah ngaji..... omaigat gua merasaalim banget. kita ngaji sampe 24 ayat. dan kita pun kecapekan dan mikir untuk keluar dari mushola karena mushola panas sangaaaaaaadh. kitapun lewat jalur belakang larilarian kayak org geblek ke kelas. alhamdullilah sampe di kelas tanpa ketauan guru. sampe dikelas kita semua panik. akhirnya di kelas, kita bikin tempat ngumpet pake triplek bekas ptd. kita bikin benteng gituh. terus ghina dan thalita keluaar dari kelas ke uks. jadi tinggal ber 4 lah. karena bosen di benteng gue pun ngambil laptop nya thalita terus main pvz. terus tiba tiba suara pintu dibuka si devy langsunglompat ke benteng dan nindihin gue dan yang lucunya mukanya devy ada di pantatnya bella. setelah org yang tidak kita ketahui keluar kita pun keluar dari benteng soalnya nyesek. terus ghina sama thali balik. etaunyaaa bu nilam dateng terus ketahuaan untung ya bu nilam jadi bu nilam ga marah malah tawa tawa. terus setelah sekitar 10 menit pas bu nilam pergi bu tiara dateng dan hebatnyaa bu tiara ga nyadar yaampun.`akhirnya gua gatahan terus gua ke kamar mandi sama devy. terus kansa kinanti abir balik tapi sama fibyan felix etaunya mereka ga ns juga. ns 10 menit lagi selesai tapi kita bosen parah... akhirnya maen hai buta. sekian itu pengalaman yang sangat degdegan

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012


eeyore, yap that's a thing i love so much more than anything. what is eeyore? eeyore is a donkey. he is stupid and gloomy. he is a character in winnie the pooh. physically, he described as an old grey donkey. He has a long,detachable tail with a pink bow on the end, of which he is very fond, but that he is also prone to losing. Eeyore lives in the southeast corner of the Hundred Acre Wood, in an area labeled "Eeyore's Gloomy Place: Rather Boggy and Sad" on the map in the book. Eeyore's favorite food is thistles .